Visitor and Member Privacy

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Site Visitors:





We leave no cookies and we collect no personal information, either individually or collectively. Period.

Prospects can apply for Membership in AWON (. . . Click here . . .) with the knowledge that what you submit will be used for internal administration only. We will never sell, rent, lend or share information you provide outside of AWON. Period. With your permission (and ONLY with your permission), we will very LIBERALLY share photos, stories, and information on your Father or loved one.

Information or questions you submit voluntarily to our Guestbook will be responded to individually, and never shared, unless to facilitate an answer or request. Information you submit voluntarily on our public Bulletin Boards is assumed to be with your knowledge and consent, where such public view may be of value. Information, photos, videos, and text you submit voluntarily to enhance AWON’s missions and pages devoted to Conferences, Events, Memorials, etc. is assumed to be submitted with the specific intent of public sharing.

If Site Visitors or Members have any questions or concerns regarding Privacy, please don’t hesitate to contact our Webmaster.